By asking questions, we put the true power of the decision into our prospect/partner’s hands. This allows us to focus on taking a Consultative approach, so we can discover what their true needs and desires are. When we’re asking questions, with a true desire to learn about how we can SERVE them… we’re never selling. Start on the surface level to build rapport, and then dig deep into why they have the goals they have.
Note: This is just a framework and suggested line of questions and is based on you using the questionnaire/survey to gain additional information as well as confirming that they have watched the video you sent to them. If you have not used the survey, make sure to include the questions listed on it within Step 3. Please know that every situation/conversation is different. In the words of Tony Robbins: “Let your prospect determine your presentation”.
Your job: Listen so hard it hurts and care about what’s being said!!!
Step 1: Connect And Build Rapport
Where are you located? Are you originally from there?
What do you do for a living?
What do you enjoy doing there (If I were to visit there, what should I do)?
(Pro Tip: Find common things of interest with them)
Step 2: Take Down Their Guard (come from a place of service)
Thank you so much for taking the time to talk today! I’m excited to connect with you and be able to help you find solutions for you to reach your goals. I’ve been using and passionately sharing Isagenix for ____ weeks/months/years and am simply here to serve you in this conversation. And I want to thank you for taking the time to fill out the survey. It gives me a bigger picture of where you’re at and how I can help you.
Step 3: Find Their Pain Points
So let’s start with the info you already shared with me on there. I have a few more questions based on that (Go over health portion of survey – ask additional questions if needed)
Additional questions you can ask
What was the thing in the group that excited you the most?
How much weight would you like to lose? Or at what weight do you feel your best at?
How long have you been struggling to lose weight?
What do you think has prevented you from being successful in the past?
Why now? What is the main reason you want to lose weight? (did they answer on the survey?)
How do you sleep at night? (feel rested in morning, toss & turn, etc.)
Any food allergies?
What are some struggles that you’re having because of _________ (what they shared with you)?
If you had a magic wand....what would you change?
(Pro Tip: Dig deep into their goals “Why is it important to you that you ______”. If you learn what’s important to them, you can remind them why they got started and they will not quit.)
Now let’s go over you’re eating habits (go over what they listed on survey for breakfast, lunch, and dinner)
What do you typically have for snacks? Coffee drinker? Energy drinks? Any typical cravings?
To focus on weight loss, you’ll replace two of your meals a day with shakes. What two meals do you think would typically work best for you to replace?
(ask the following question if they didn’t answer on survey) How much do you think you are currently spending on those meals? (you can use this information when recommending a pack)
Thank you so much for sharing that with me, I know that was a lot of personal information and I really appreciate it. It really helps to give me a better understanding of where you’re at to determine the best solutions specific for what you need. And I REALLY want to commend you for taking the time to reach out and learn about how you could make a difference for your health. I have found that so many people settle for how things are and say “I’m just getting older”. I personally wasn’t ready to settle for that. So thank you for giving me the opportunity to share this information with you! It has definitely been a game changer for me and so many others!
Step 4: Share Your 30 Second Story
With that, if you don’t mind, would it be okay if I share a little bit about my experience and what this system has done for me and my family?
(Share with them why you got started on Isagenix, the struggles you were having before you started, and how things are different now. Then thank them for letting you share.)
Click here for help in creating your 30 second story.
Step 5: Emotional Anchoring
Suzy, just so that I can meet you where you are, I want to make sure you are ready to accept the challenge of creating a new normal. So on the survey, you mentioned that your commitment is a _____. Tell me a little more about that. Why is it so important to you? (DIG DEEP – this is the magic question. Chances are that it’s not just all about wanting to lose weight – there’s always more below the surface)
IF NOT AT A 10 - Curiously, why isn’t it a 10? What would it take to get you to a 10? If we can get you to a 9 or 10, then I can match your energy there and we can truly accomplish your goals together.
What would _____________ (goal) allow you to do that you can’t do right now?
Why is that so important to you? (DIG DEEP to find their true why)
(if still not getting to a 10) Suzy, I know you shared that you want to lose the weight, but this may not be for you. It takes a lot of effort in the beginning to create those different habits, just like with anything.
But here’s what I don’t want... I don’t want you to miss out on how amazing you could feel 4 weeks from now. I don’t want you 3 or 4 months down the road to still be feeling how you are, and to think back to this conversation, regretting that you didn’t take the chance to feel amazing. So, if you can meet me a little closer to a 9 or 10 commitment, I promise that I can help you get the results you’re looking for – or worst case scenario – you get your money back!
Step 6: Edify Their Goals & Share A Story (provide hope)
Suzie I know that you said you want to ___________ - I love that and it’s TOTALLY possible! You remind me a lot of ____ (enter in the name of a team member in Isagenix who they remind you of) he/she was a _____ (stay-at-home mom, stressed out corporate employee, etc.) just like you and in just _____ (enter time) was able to _______, _______, and _______ using our 30 day system.” How awesome would that be for you to have those same results?
Step 7: About The System – Make Them Feel Informed
So Suzy, I know you’ve in the support group for a little bit now and watched the video I sent to you. What questions do you have about anything you saw? Do you feel like you have a good overview of the system, or would you like me to share a brief overview with you?
(if they want more info, share the information below:)
First – this is not a diet company! This is about rebalancing our body. The focus behind the system really is to ensure our body is getting the nutrition that it needs as well as supporting our body through its natural cleansing process. Our body is designed to rid itself of chemicals, but unfortunately we are so inundated with so many man-made chemicals today, (in the air we breathe, food that we eat, products we use that absorb into our skin) and our body struggles with them which leaves a build-up in our body and leaves it overwhelmed and not operating efficiently. (ex: we need to change the oil in our car for it to operate more efficiently)
And, research shows that the majority of us are nutrient depleted. Unfortunately in today’s world due to over-farming and mass producing, we don’t get the nutrition and vitamins that we once used to be able to get from our food sources. It’s impossible for us to consume enough food in a day to get the nutrition our body needs. So unfortunately its left us very depleted and that’s why our bodies are struggling. (ex: auto immune diseases and cancer on the rise). Our gut health has plummeted as well because of the foods we eat. That’s why many people struggle with bloating, gas, irregularity, etc. Isagenix is truly a system to help in all areas.
Here’s what I know – a balanced body doesn’t hold onto weight. So we always say that weight loss is just an added benefit. Transformations are great, but the most important thing is how we feel! We’re supposed to feel GOOD and ENJOY life!
So that’s where this system comes in. We have 4 core products, 4 key focuses, to ensure that our body is getting everything that it needs each and every day and that impurities are not building up within our body.
Nutrition (shakes) – floods our body with nutrition and giving our body the nutrients it needs. The body’s natural ability to restore and repair itself is incredible. But it has to have the proper nutrients to do it. That’s where the shakes come in. We’re giving it the nutrients to do things it’s not currently doing.
Toxicity (Cleanse For Life) –Supports the body’s natural process of purging impurities. Don’t worry – it’s not a colon cleanse – so you won’t have any bathroom issues. It’s more on a cellular level, targeting your fat cells. You’ll feel like a million bucks afterwards!! Really focuses on visceral fat- the dangerous fat around your organs.
Hormones (Ionix) – Helps with cortisol levels (stress) and mental clarity (walking into a room and not remembering why, or losing train of thought) Huge negative impact on our health and weight.
Vitamins & minerals (daily essentials) – Pharmaceutical grade. Works synergistically with the shakes to ensure that even with the other foods you’re eating, your body is getting what it needs (heart, joint, brain support, immunity, etc)
So it’s all about giving you a simple way to SUSTAIN a healthier lifestyle!
Far superior to the Heart Healthy Diet
Step 8: The Process And Recommendation
ALWAYS ASK – Are there any questions I can answer for you based off of all that I’ve shared? (Answer any questions and quickly move on)
Would you like me to make a recommendation for how to get started? (Let them answer)
The Process
Here’s what I like to do - I like to take things in 30 day increments because a lot can change in 30 days, right. So how you get started, is not necessarily how you are going to continue. What I like to do is towards the end of your first month, we’ll re-evaluate your goals and take a look at how your first month went (how do you feel, what were your results, etc.), then we’ll piece together the products for your second month to ensure you have specifically what you need for your next 30 days. And I of course want to make sure that when you fall in love with these products, which you will – it will be able to fit into your budget! So, you are in complete control of what you reorder.
You’ll also have an account online in which you can take a look at what you ordered, and all the other products available. I’ll set that up for you and send you your log in information so you have full access. I’ll also set up your LifeStyle Rewards within your wellness account – now it’s not like your typical autoship back in the day where whatever you order isn’t automatically going to ship out to you next month – again, we are going to customize and change what you order. But what it will do is allow you to save an additional 5% on most products. I also have a team page that I will plug you into as well as a helpful website that will share with you some great information as you wait for your big brown box of goodies to arrive. So you’ll have a lot of great support. And I always tell people – you’re stuck with me! You get me to help you every step of the way. I love what I do and will be there to ensure you have the best experience possible. I am dedicated to serving you and have a lot of experience to help you reach your goals!! Hopefully that’s not a game changer.
The Recommendation
So as far as getting started, we have 3 different options to choose from. They will all give you great results, but some will give you a little more support for your first 30 days which is super important. I tell people that it depends on what type of person you are… one that is ALL IN when they start something new and determined to make a change and wants whatever is going to give them the best start, or one that likes to just dip their toes in the water to test it out.
What we want to do your 1st 30 days is to give your body a reboot & jump start your metabolism. And, we want to set you up for long term success, so having the most support possible is key.
To achieve the goals you’ve given me, including the weight loss, like I mentioned earlier, I’d recommend replacing 2 meals a day with shakes. All of our starter packs come with enough products to do that. And it’s replacing what you’re currently doing, not on top of it. So instead of worrying about what you’ll have 3 times a day, you’ll only need to focus on one healthy meal each day. This will take care of the rest! Sound good?
You already listed that you’re spending about $_____ a meal, so that’s $____ a day. Which we definitely have options to fit in that budget. It’s as simple as adjusting where those funds are going and start putting them towards superfood that is going to help you feel amazing, instead of the foods that have gotten you feeling how you currently are. Does that make sense?
First, we have our Basic Pack. I call it our Bare Bones pack. It’s going to have only 3 of the 4 core products that I mentioned. It will replace 64 of your meals for the month, so that’s including your 2 shakes a day, your cleanse products, the Ionix, and a box of IsaDelights which are super delicious chocolate squares that you can have even on your cleanse days. It will give you great results, but there’s not much support. The Basic Pack is $314 before tax - shipping is free.
The second option is our Premium Pack. This includes everything that comes in the Basic Pack – your shakes, cleanse products, Ionix, and IsaDelights, but it also has some support products and replaces 74 meals for the month. You’ll get a box of meal replacement bars for days that you don’t want a second shake, or you can split in half and use as a snack. A box of eShots which are healthy energy drinks that give you a boost of focus and energy without any of the jitters or sugar crash because they’re all natural. They will also make a huge difference for you on cleanse days and help you if you start to have any detox symptoms like a headache or a little more tired. You’ll also get a high protein snack called Whey Thins which are like a savory chip so you can snack without the guilt. They’re individually packaged so it makes it super convenient. Snacking is important, so convenience is key. Convenience is typically why we reach for something that’s not necessarily good for us. The Premium Pack is $399 before tax – shipping is free
However Suzy, based on the goals you shared with me, my highest recommendation is our complete 30-day system which is called our Value Pack. It’s how I got started and it’s what I KNOW will give you the best results and the most support for your first 30 days. It provides you with all of the core products AND includes extremely vital support products to set you up for the entire month!
It will make your first 30 days super simple. Other than 1 healthy meal and 1 snack a day – this pack will do the rest. So you’ll get all your shakes, cleanse products, Ionix, IsaDelight chocolates, meal replacement bars, eShots, whey thins. AND it also includes a canister of our greens which has over 30 different kinds of vegetables that you can easily add to your shake to get your veggies for the day. Most people don’t eat enough green leafy vegetables, and it truly is important to get the phytonutrients which helps us to create healthy cells. And the most important thing with this pack is that it comes with a box of our Isagenesis vitamins which provide total nutritional support in a convenient tear pack. They are extremely high quality, pharmaceutical grade supplements that have joint support, cardiovascular support, brain function support and a healthy aging formula! These are GAME CHANGERS! I notice a HUGE difference in people who start with the vitamins versus those that don’t. They really help to rebalance our body a lot faster, helping you to feel better a lot quicker. AND – if that wasn’t enough, you get a $25 coupon to use for your next order and a $29 voucher if you choose to convert to an Associate and take advantage of our compensation, you won’t have to pay anything additional with this pack.
So if it works within your budget, this is hands down THE BEST recommendation. It’s $599 for your first 30 days, then like I mentioned we’ll customize your second month so that we can ensure to stay aligned with your goals and mindful of your budget. Most people spend between $200-$300 a month, depending on what they want to continue with. Again, this is replacing 2 meals a day and it’s totally up to you what you re-order.
Step 9: Ask For The Order
So out of the three options, which sounds like the best fit for you to help you reach your goals? (then be quiet and let them answer!!)
And do you feel like you have enough information to get started today?
(then be quiet and let them answer!!)
(Click here for responses to possible objections)
Step 10: Taking The Order
Celebrate their decision and then pick flavors and get info
(Click here for the order form)
Once you have their info, proceed to Step 11
Step 11: Who Do You Know
Now, Suzy, let me ask you, would it be okay if I showed you how to get your products for free? Would that be of value to you? (Let them answer)
Curiously, who are two people that you know would for sure want to do this with you? (Let them answer)
The reason I ask is because Isagenix doesn’t spend any money on advertising and instead rewards its customers for our referrals. So when you help *friend name 1* and *friend name 2* get started, you’ll earn anywhere from $150-$500 back right way. How awesome is that?
*If they give you 2 names, have them set up a 3 way chat on messenger with their friends/family, introduce you, and let them know you’ll take it from there.
Step 12: Their Next Steps
I’ll get everything set up and once I’m finished you’ll receive the email confirmation from Isagenix, and then an email from me titled “Create A New Normal With Isagenix” with your online account info. It will also have a few other things to take a look at. Check it all out and we’ll talk about it more on a call when you get your box.
I’m also going to send you a text message that will have 5 easy steps to follow to prepare you for when you get your products. Make sure to follow those 5 steps. This will be your homework (make it fun and joke about them having homework). If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.
And the last thing is to keep me posted on when your box arrives. You will get an email confirmation once it ships and it will have a tracking number. I will not get that. So keep me posted because I want us to jump on quick call and go over the products together. I have a few other tips and tricks that will help you as you get started. Okay?
Any Questions?
Then proceed to the Enrolling Process to enter order.
Copyright © 2021 Create a New Normal, LLC - All Rights Reserved.