Sharing your personal journey and success via social media is the simplest, and most effective way to create interest and grow your team.
Follow the formulas and strategies below to create a diverse "magazine" that represents you.
*Peak times to post: 7-9AM, 12-1PM, and 7-9PM Sunday - Thursday
*Shoot for 2 posts per day on social media
*Remember to create curiosity - don't say "Isagenix" on your social media
*Add value to your audience with your posts
*Consistency is a MUST when building a relationship with your audience. If you aren't consistent, they'll think you quit.
*Helpful apps to create content/photos: Word Swag, Story Swag, Unfold, Unsplash, Canva
Your social media "magazine" is how others will get to know you, like you, and trust you. Take time to scroll through your current posts and posts of the past and remove anything that may be offensive or not aligned with the lifestyle you are promoting. We also recommend avoiding posts that may be controversial as this can deter some folks from taking a look at what you do.
Staying consistent on social media is key in growing your network. Here is a simple formula to make it easy:
H-heartfelt I- influence F- funny I- interest
V- value E- education
Check out this video that shows how this formula can help you to maximize your social media influence.
Use the 10-4-1 rule along with the HI-FIVE formula for maximum engagement
10 posts per week should reflect your lifestyle and your passions. (ex: family, working out, pets, volunteering, etc.) Make sure these posts reflect YOU and feel authentic to who you are. Variety is key, so incorporate the HI-FIVE formula to keep friends and followers engaged.
4 posts per week should be related to health/wellness, and/or somewhat related to the program. Pictures of your morning shake or Ionix shot, a team member's before/after story, recipe suggestions, etc. The goal - your newsfeed should make it clear that you're a health/wellness coach committed to helping others to get health, but remember that's not all it should show. Don't let your newsfeed become a commercial.
1 "Power" post per week that speaks directly to the program. A powerful transformation testimony, business centered post, ect. This should be with the intention of giving a call to action to your audience. (ex :If you've been looking for a simple way to get healthier, we should chat", "Are you ready to change your future, let me show you how".)
Your Life Brand. Learn the importance of knowing what you want to represent and share with your audience.
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